If you possess a Virginia Driver’s License and get a DUI conviction out-of-state, you may be in for a surprise. Following a driving while intoxicated or DUI conviction in another state, the Virginia DMV will automatically suspend a license for one year when they receive notice of an out-of-state DUI conviction.
Virginia can be harsher on you than the state in which you received a DUI. For example, if Florida convicts you of a DUI and suspends your license there for 6 months, the Virginia DMV has no problem with suspending your license for one year.

To get a restricted license, you would need to petition the court in the jurisdiction where you reside for a restricted license. A restricted license is very limited. You can not even drive to get groceries with a restricted license (unless you work at the grocery store!). Nevertheless, a restricted license may allow you to have some resemblance of a normal life and help you stay gainfully employed.
I have helped clients get a restricted license for the limited purposes of driving to and from work, VASAP, school, medically necessary travel, the ignition interlock facility, places necessary for the care of minor children (school, daycare, doctor), appointments with a probation officer, and to a place of religious worship once a week.
In Virginia, to get a restricted license, you will be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. You will also need to pay a reinstatement fee, furnish proof of financial responsibility, and enroll in the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP).
Please call us at 757-384-4357 if you need help petitioning the court for a restricted license.