The Concealed Carry Confidentiality bill (SB 1335) sponsored by Mark Obenshain and brought to your attention in our blog post last month was signed into law by Governor McDonnell on March 20th, 2013. This is one step in the right direction ensuring that what happened when a New York newspaper published an interactive map of concealed carry permit-holders will not happen here in Virginia. As Mark Obenshain notes, this is not a gun bill; it’s a public safety bill.
“That New York newspaper treated law-abiding gun owners like criminals and, what’s worse, it put people in danger. That shouldn’t be allowed to happen here in Virginia – and with the enactment of this bill, it can’t anymore.” – Virginia Senator Mark Obenshain
If you are not convinced it is a safety issue, please check out the following links:
> Ex-Burglars Say Newspaper’s Gun Map Would’ve Made the Job Easier, Safer
> Burglars Hit Home of Gun Owner ID’s by Newspaper