In November of 2022, notable outcomes included avoiding jail for 100/55 RD in Virginia Beach GDC. Misdemeanors avoided for 95/55 RD, 92/55 RD , 91/55 RD, 90/55 RD, 86/55 RD, 80/45 RD, 92/70 RD, and driving without a license, in cities such as Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Newport News, York, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Northampton. To read more about reckless driving defense, click here.
Notable Cases:
- November 1, 2022, Chesapeake GDC 79/55 RD and expired tags, both dismissed.
- November 3, 2022, Virginia Beach GDC 100/55 RD, guilty but no active jail time or license suspension.
- November 3, 2022, Virginia Beach Circuit Court 125/55 RD, guilty but only 2 days of jail and no license suspension.
- November 3, 2022, Virginia Beach GDC 91/55 RD, dismissed.
- November 4, 2022, Virginia Beach GDC 82/55 RD, reduced to speeding at 19 over the limit.
- November 14, 2022, Northampton Circuit Court – we avoided misdemeanors for reckless driving by speed appeals for 6 clients.
- November 15, 2022, Virginia Beach GDC 60/35 RD, reduced to speeding at 20 over the limit.
- November 16, 2022, Hampton GDC Overheight Violation, dismissed.
- November 16, 2022, Northampton GDC Driving without License, dismissed.
- November 17, 2022, Virginia Beach GDC 82/55 RD, reduced to speeding at 19 over the limit.
- Virginia Beach GDC 95/55 RD, reduced to speeding at 20 over the limit.
- Virginia Beach GDC Failure to Obey Highway Sign, dismissed.
- Virginia Beach Circuit Court 92/55 RD, reduced to improper driving.
- Virginia Beach GDC Speeding 73/55, dismissed.
- Virginia Beach GDC 81/55 RD, reduced to speeding at 9 over the limit.
- November 18, 2022, Newport News GDC RD for Operating Improper Brakes, reduced to improper driving.
- November 18, 2022, Virginia Beach GDC 83/55 RD, reduced to speeding at 19 over the limit.
- November 18, 2022, Suffolk GDC 80/45 RD, reduced to speeding at 14 over the limit.
- November 21, 2022, Suffolk GDC 56/35 RD, reduced to speeding at 9 over the limit.
- November 21, 2022, Virginia Beach GDC 90/55 RD, dismissed.
- November 22, 2022, Virginia Beach GDC RD for passing a school bus, dismissed.
- November 29, 2022, York GDC 92/70 RD, reduced to speeding at the same speed.
- November 30, 2022, Norfolk GDC 86/55 RD, reduced to improper driving.
- Newport News GDC 86/55 RD, reduced to speeding at 10 over the limit.

November 1, 2022, Chesapeake General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 79/55
Disposition: Dismissed
This client also had their Expired Registration charge dismissed. See below.

November 3, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 100/50
Disposition: Guilty, but no Active Jail or License Suspension

November 3, 2022, Virginia Beach Curcuit Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 125/55
Disposition: Guilty, but Only 2 Days of Jail (misdemeanor time is served half time) and No License Suspended

November 3 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 91/55
Disposition: Dismissed

November 4, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 82/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 19 Over the Limit, Infraction

November 15, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 60/35
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 20 Over the Limit, Infraction

November 16, 2022, Hampton General District Court
Charge: Overheight Violation
Disposition: Dismissed

November 16, 2022, Northampton General District Court
Charge: Driving Without a License
Disposition: Dismissed

November 17, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 82/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 19 Over the Limit, Infraction

November 17, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 95/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 20 Over the Limit, Infraction

November 17, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Failure to Obey Highway Sign
Disposition: Dismissed

November 17, 2022, Virginia Beach Circuit Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 92/55
Disposition: Reduced to Improper Driving, Infraction

November 17, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 73/55
Disposition: Dismissed

November 17, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 81/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 9 Over the Limit, Infraction

November 18, 2022, Newport News General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving for Operating Improper Brakes
Disposition: Reduced to Improper Driving, Infraction

November 18, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 83/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 19 Over the Limit, Infraction

November 18, 2022, Suffork General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 80/45
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 14 Over the Limit, Infraction

November 21, 2022, Suffork General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 56/35
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 9 Over the Limit, Infraction

November 21, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 90/55
Disposition: Dismissed

November 22, 2022, Virginia Beach General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving for Passing a School Bus
Disposition: Dismissed

November 29, 2022, York General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 92/70
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at the Same Speed, Infraction

November 30, 2022, Norfolk General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 86/55
Disposition: Reduced to Improper Driving, Infraction

November 30, 2022, Newport News General District Court
Charge: Reckless Driving at 86/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 10 Over the Limit, Infraction