June 2016: DUI avoided in Norfolk, Hit and Run Felony avoided in Virginia Beach, Reckless Driving dismissals in Northampton

Note: the only sure way to avoid a reckless driving by speed conviction is to obey the speed limit! DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. June 2, 2016, Virginia Beach General District Court, Charge: Reckless Driving at 88/55. Disposition: Reduced to speeding at 19 over. Learn more about why you need a Virginia Beach Reckless Driving Lawyer. June 6, 2016, Norfolk General District Court, Charge: DUI. Disposition: Null prossed.  The trooper left his position serving on the Virginia State Police. Sometimes we just get lucky! June 15, 2016, Northampton General District Court, Charge: Reckless Driving at 98/55. Disposition: No active jail...

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Reckless Driving by Speed avoided at 47 mph over limit / Brandishing a Firearm Charge Avoided

Note: the only sure way to avoid a reckless driving by speed conviction is to obey the speed limit! DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. April 14, 2016, Norfolk General District Court, Charge: Reckless Driving at 82/35. Disposition: Reduced to speeding at 19 over.  There was a problem with the officer's radar calibration certificates and I made a motion to strike for a dismissal.  The judge should have dismissed it but thought that was too lenient, so he reduced it to 19 over.  It wasn't worth the cost to appeal.  Learn why you need a Norfolk Reckless Driving Attorney. May 10, 2016, Norfolk General District Court, Charge: Reckless...

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Last Week’s High Speed Cases (95 mph and 101 mph)

Last week we had two high speed cases involving alleged speeds of 95 mph and 101 mph where our clients avoided criminal records for reckless driving.  Note: the best way to avoid a reckless driving by speed conviction is to obey the speed limit! DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. April 5, 2016, Williamsburg General District Court, Charge: Reckless Driving at 95/65. The alleged speed was 95 mph.  Disposition: Dismissed.  There was a problem with the officer's radar calibration certificates.     April 6, 2016, Norfolk General District Court, Charge: Reckless Driving at 101/65.  Disposition: Reduced to a speeding conviction,...

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Northampton Reckless Driving Convictions Avoided (89/55 and 80/45)

It is often advisable to appeal a reckless driving conviction. In Virginia, you have ten days to appeal a conviction in the General District Court to have a new trial in the Circuit Court.  We explain your right to appeal here.  Below are two of the more notable appeals we handled in Northampton Circuit Court last week that resulted in clients avoiding a misdemeanor for reckless driving. DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. March 14, 2016, Northampton Circuit Court, Original Charge in the lower court: Reckless Driving at 89/55.  Disposition: Reduced to a speeding conviction, non-criminal. If you need a Northampton traffic court attorney,...

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6 Misdemeanors Avoided (Half Dismissed) in Norfolk GDC in 3 days (March 7-9, 2016)

In the three days from March 7-9, 2016, while visiting other cities like Northampton, Virginia Beach, and Accomack, we managed to appear in Norfolk General District Court for six different clients charged with misdemeanor charges. Our focus here is to highlight our Norfolk cases. While each of our six clients charged in Norfolk GDC avoided a criminal conviction, three of the six misdemeanor charges were dismissed. DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. March 7, 2016, Norfolk GDC, Charge: Causing a Telephone or Pager to Ring with Intent to Annoy under Virginia Code § 18.2-429, Disposition: Dismissed.  We pled not guilty and argued for a...

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February 2016: Dismissals from Northampton to Hampton

DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. February 4, 2016, Northampton GDC, Charge: Resisting Arrest, Disposition: Dismissed. We pled not guilty.  Our motion to strike was granted by the judge when the prosecution did not prove all the elements of the offense as required by the Virginia Code.  Client's possession of marijuana charge was null prossed or not pursued after discussions with the prosecutor. February 8, 2016, Hampton GDC, Charge: Reckless Driving for Driving Two Abreast in One Lane, Disposition: Dismissed.  No court costs or fines. February 16, 2016, Northampton GDC, Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed at...

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Client Avoids Two Reckless Driving Convictions at 99 mph and 90 mph in December 2015

DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. We had one client who avoided two reckless driving convictions, both tried in December of 2015, for alleged speeds of 99 mph and 90 mph.  See below.  (August 2016 update: Client got a third reckless driving summons in 2016 and we helped her a third time.) December 2, 2015, Hampton GDC (Client's First Case), Charge: 99/60 Reckless Driving, Disposition: Reduced to speeding at 89/60, a traffic infraction.  No jail time or criminal conviction.  (Here is a screen shot of the actual summons, with our client's last name and address blurred out, since the court website doesn't list the exact speed alleged.)...

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Reckless Driving Dismissals in January 2016

We had a good month, achieving a number of dismissals for reckless driving charges. (One was for an alleged speed of 89 mph in a 55 mph zone.) The dismissals featured below all involved officers that showed up to court and testified. Here are some of the more notable reckless driving case results. DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. January 6, 2016, Hampton GDC, Charge: 87/60 Reckless Driving, Disposition: Reduced to 9 over the speed limit. Learn why you need a Hampton Reckless Driving Attorney. January 8, 2016, Virginia Beach GDC, Charge: 89/55 Reckless Driving, Disposition: Dismissed. Learn why you need a Virginia Beach Reckless...

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5 Clients, Each Charged With Reckless Driving Twice This Year, Avoid Reckless Driving Convictions (5 x 2 = 10)

DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. << UPDATE: This post was published in November of 2015, but in December of 2015, we had one more client avoid two reckless driving convictions, for 99 mph and 90 mph. So we had 6 clients in 2015 with more than one reckless driving charge reduced. >> Zachary gets his two reckless driving by speed charges in Virginia Beach General District Court reduced to traffic infractions with court dates in January and October of 2015.  Original charges were 60/35 RD and 51/25 RD in a school zone. Daquan avoids two reckless driving by speed charges in court on April 14th and April 20th of 2015. The...

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Virginia Beach Reckless Driving by Speed (95 in a 55) Reduced

DISCLAIMER – EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. October 22, 2015 - Virginia Beach Circuit Court, Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 95 mph in a 55 mph zone. Outcome: Reduced to speeding 19 over.  No jail time or suspended license. Just a speeding ticket.

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