Virginia DUI Law Update: Ignition Interlock Required for a Restricted License

Photo by Zé Ferrari Careto on Unsplash As of July 1, 2012, everyone convicted of DUI in Virginia will need to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle in order to receive a restricted license.  This expensive machine allows you to drive only after blowing into it. Currently, first time offenders are required to install an ignition interlock device if their BAC is .15 or higher. However, starting July 1, 2012, everyone convicted of any DUI will be required to get the interlock device in order to drive on a restricted license.  See HB 279. You should consult with an attorney about whether you need a restricted license and whether it is worth the burden and cost for you. The court has discretion to give a restricted license to allow a person to drive to and from work,...

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Recent Traffic Case Results

Traffic Case Results: A SAMPLE OF OUR RECENT TRAFFIC DEFENSE CASES*: *DISCLAIMER - EACH CASE IS UNIQUE AND CASE RESULTS DEPEND ON YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION.  CASE RESULTS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR PREDICT A SIMILAR RESULT IN ANY FUTURE CASE UNDERTAKEN BY THE LAWYER. Norfolk GDC, Charge: Reckless Driving (91/55), Disposition: Defective Equipment, $100 fine plus court costs. Norfolk GDC, Charge: Reckless Driving (80/55), Disposition: Defective Speedometer: $30 fine plus court costs. Norfolk CC, Charge: Reckless Driving (92/55) and Failure to Carry a License, Disposition: Noted to court the Speed Limit was 65 in the HOV lane, reduced to speeding 10-19 over, $250 fine plus court costs.  Failure to Carry License charge nolle prossed. Norfolk GDC, Charge: Reckless Driving (80/55), Disposition:...

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Modification of Custody Orders

Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash In Virginia, custody orders can be modified if there has been 1) a material change of circumstances since the entry of the last order and 2) it is in the best interest of the children to modify custody.  The change of circumstances may be either positive or negative.  For example, a parent may have received a better job or more flexible work schedule.  The change could also be negative, such as a parent receiving a criminal conviction or if a child's developmental needs have changed.  If a parent has not behaved and followed the court's orders, that would also be grounds for a modification of custody.  Virginia Code § 20-108 states: "The intentional withholding of visitation of a child from the other parent without just...

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What is a Separation Agreement?

Our firm does not handle divorce matters where we wear an attorney hat and represent one party in a conflict. However, we offer mediation to help conflicted parties reach an agreement and seek resolution of conflict. Mediation is an alternative to battling it out in the courts. You can learn more about mediation here. Mr. Louie has been trained in Christian Conciliation, an alternative dispute resolution process that seeks to help parties get unstuck in conflict. During mediation, which requires willing participants, Mr. Louie can help you work on either a separation agreement or reconciliation agreement. A separation agreement is a legally binding document where a husband and wife agree on issues such as spousal support, child support, child custody, and equitable division of assets. In...

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