Below we feature a sampling of case results for January and February of 2021. We avoided convictions for racing (a type of reckless driving charge), felony eluding, felony destruction of property, misdemeanor hit and run, reckless driving by speed for speeds as high as 116/55, driving under suspended license, no operator’s license, and more. Dismissals occurred in cities such as Virginia Beach, Hampton, Norfolk, Suffolk, Accomack, and Portsmouth.
Notable cases:
- January 5, 2021, Norfolk GDC 85/55 RD reduced to 19 over.
- January 7, Virginia Beach GDC 104/55 RD, no active jail time or license suspension.
- January 8, Virginia Beach GDC 60/25 RD dismissed.
- January 11, Hampton GDC Reckless Driving for Racing charge dismissed.
- January 11, Northampton Circuit Court, reckless driving at 87/55 reduced to simple speeding at 84/55.
- January 12, Chesapeake GDC, Felony Eluding the Police charge reduced to a misdemeanor. (View here)
- January 13, Virginia Beach GDC DUI charge remained a 1st offense despite client getting a DUI conviction in Chesapeake GDC the week before. Attorney Braden Carroll handled both cases for our office. Read more about DUI defense here.
- January 13, Norfolk GDC reckless driving dismissed.
- January 14, Chesapeake GDC 113/60 RD, no jail time.
- January 14, Virginia Beach Circuit Court 94/55 RD, reduced to speeding at 20+, infraction.
- January 19, Virginia Beach GDC 89/55 RD and No License dismissed.
- VBGDC 81/55 RD dismissed. (Client’s 1st RD dismissal this year.)
- VBGDC Driving Under Suspended 3rd+ offense dismissed.
- VBGDC 62/35 RD dismissed.
- January 19, Northampton GDC 74/45 RD reduced to improper driving.
- January 20, Norfolk GDC 100/55 RD reduced to improper driving.
- January 21, Virginia Beach GDC 97/55 RD dismissed. Good job Attorney Braden Carroll!
- VBGDC 91/55 RD reduced to speeding 20+, non-reckless.
- January 25, Norfolk GDC, reckless driving dismissed.
- January 26, Norfolk GDC 93/55 RD reduced to improper driving.
- January 26, York GDC 106/65, no jail time.
- January 27, Accomack GDC 75/45 RD dismissed.
- January 27, Norfolk GDC 116/55 RD dismissed. (Our client’s story here!)
- January 27, Virginia Beach GDC 67/45 RD reduced to 19 over.
- January 28, Virginia Beach GDC 81/55 RD reduced to 9 over.
- January 29, Virginia Beach GDC 83/55 RD reduced to 9 over.
- February 1, Virginia Beach GDC 84/35 RD, no active jail!
- February 2, Virginia Beach GDC: No license and speeding dismissed.
- February 4, Virginia Beach GDC: Reckless for Racing and RD generally dismissed.
- February 10, Portsmouth GDC: Felony Destruction of Property and Hit and Run Misdemeanor dismissed while the Reckless Driving was reduced to Improper Driving. (See result here.)
- Portsmouth GDC 84/45 RD reduced 19 over.
- February 10, Norfolk GDC 86/55 RD reduced to defective equipment.
- February 11, Virginia Beach GDC 56/34 speeding dismissed.
- February 12, Virginia Beach GDC RD accident null prossed (dismissed).
- VBGDC 80/55 RD dismissed.
- February 16, Newport News GDC 90/65 RD mph reduced to speeding at 14 over.
- Newport News GDC 91/65 RD reduced to speeding at 19 over.
- February 16, Virginia Beach GDC, 83/55 RD dismissed. (Client’s 2nd RD dismissal this year)
- February 18, Virginia Beach GDC, 81/55 RD dismissed.
- February 18, Suffolk GDC RD on private property dismissed.
- February 19, Virginia Beach GDC 87/55 RD reduced to speeding at 20+.
- February 23, Norfolk GDC 80/55 RD reduced to def equipment.
- February 26, Virginia Beach GDC 91/55 reduced to speeding at 20 over.

January 4, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by speed for 60/35
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 19 Over, Traffic Infraction
Learn more about Virginia Beach Reckless Driving Defense here.

January 5, 2021, Norfolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 85/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 19 Over, Infraction
Learn more about Norfolk Reckless Driving Defense here.

January 7, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by speed for 104/55
Disposition: All jail time suspended (no time to serve) and no license suspension! Just bigger fine!

January 8, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charges: Reckless Driving for 60/25
Disposition: Dismissed.

January 11, 2021, Hampton GDC
Charge: Racing (A Type of Reckless Driving Charge)
Disposition: Dismissed.
Learn more about Racing Charges here.

January 11, 2021, Northampton Circuit Court
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 87/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 83/55, Infraction

January 12, 2021, Chesapeake GDC
Charge: Felony Eluding and Endangering Police
Disposition: Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Learn more about Felony or Misdemeanor Eluding the Police Charges here.

January 8, 2021, Chesapeake GDC
Charge: DUI 1st Offense
Our client received two separate “DUI first” convictions within the same month to avoid additional jail time for a “DUI 2nd.” Attorney Braden Carroll handled both cases. Learn more about Virginia Beach DUI defense here.
January 13, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: DUI 1st Offense

January 13, 2021, Norfolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving Resulting in an Accident
Disposition: Dismissed.

January 14, 2021, Virginia Beach Circuit Court
Charge: Reckless Driving for 94/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 20 Over, Infraction

January 14, 2021, Chesapeake GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 113/60
Disposition: No jail time! Attorney Carroll’s name should be on the docket.
Learn more about Chesapeake Reckless Driving Defense here.

January 18, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 83/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 15 Over, Infraction

January 19, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 89/55
Disposition: Dismissed.
This client also had their Driving Without a License Charge dismissed (see image below).

Learn more about Driving Without A License here.

January 19, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed at 81/55
Disposition: Dismissed.
This client had a second case that was also dismissed!

January 19, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Driving with License Revoked (3rd time in 10 yrs)
Disposition: Nolle Prossed (Dismissed).
Learn more about Driving Under a Suspended License here.

January 19, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 62/35
Disposition: Dismissed.

January 19, 2021, Northampton GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 74/45
Disposition: Reduced to Improper Driving, Infraction
Learn more about Northampton Reckless Driving Defense here.

January 20, 2021, Norfolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 100/55
Disposition: Reduced to Improper Driving! (Attorney Carroll’s name should be on the docket.)

January 21, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 91/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 20 Over, Infraction

January 21, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 97/55
Disposition: Dismissed.
The Officer did not bring his calibrations to court, so Attorney Carroll was able to argue for a dismissal. An excellent outcome in a jurisdiction that often imposes jail time at this speed!

January 25, 2021, Norfolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving Resulting in an Accident
Disposition: Dismissed.

January 26, 2021, Norfolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 93/55
Disposition: Reduced to Improper, Infraction

January 26, 2021, York GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 105/65
Disposition: No jail time! (Just license suspension for 6 months)

January 27, 2021, Accomack GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 75/45
Disposition: Dismissed.
Learn more about Accomack Reckless Driving Defense here.

January 27, 2021, Norfolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 116/55
Disposition: Dismissed. We explain in this post how we got this win.

January 27, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 67/45
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 19 Over, Infraction
This client had two recent cases with us. On December 10, 2020 he had a RD 75/45 dismissed!

January 28, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 81/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 9 Over, Infraction

January 29, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 83/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 9 Over, Infraction

February 1, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 84/35
Disposition: No jail time!
If our client had listened to our instructions, he may have avoided the misdemeanor.

February 2, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: No Driver’s License (misdemeanor) and Speeding at 46/25
Disposition: Both Dismissed. See 2nd image below.

February 4, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charges: Racing and Reckless Driving (two misdemeanor offenses!)
Disposition: Both Dismissed. See below for RD generally charge. We pled not guilty and put on a trial. Attorney Louie argued the burden of proof was not met in both cases and the judge agreed and dismissed the charge. What is racing in Virginia?

February 10, 2021, Norfolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 86/55
Disposition: Reduced to Defective Equipment
Defective Equipment is a non-moving violation, with no points for your driving record!

February 10, 2021, Portsmouth GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 84/45
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 19 Over, Infraction
Learn more about Portsmouth Reckless Driving Defense here.

February 10, 2021, Portsmouth GDC
Charges: Felony Destruction of Property, Hit and Run Misdemeanor, and Reckless Driving
Disposition: Felony and Hit and Run Dismissed! Reckless reduced to improper driving.(See images below.)

Learn more about “Hit and Run” or Failure to Stop at Scene of Accident charges here.

What is improper driving?

February 11, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Speeding for 56/34
Disposition: Dismissed.

February 12, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed for 80/55
Disposition: Nolle Prosequi (Dismissed)

February 12, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving Resulting in an Accident
Disposition: Nolle Prosequi (Dismissed)

February 16, 2021, Newport News GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 90/65
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 14 Over, Infraction
Learn more about Newport News Reckless Driving Defense here.

February 16, 2021, Newport News GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 91/65
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 19 Over, Infraction

February 16, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 83/55
Disposition: Client’s 2nd RD this year dismissed. See first dismissal here.

February 18, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 81/55
Disposition: Nolle Prosequi (Dismissed)

February 18, 2021, Suffolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving on Private Property
Disposition: Dismissed. (Docket is wrong: this case was handled by Attorney Carroll.)

February 19, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 87/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 20 Over

February 23, 2021, Norfolk GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving at 80/55
Disposition: Reduced to Defective Equipment, Non-Moving Violation

February 26, 2021, Virginia Beach GDC
Charge: Reckless Driving for 91/55
Disposition: Reduced to Speeding at 20 Over, Infraction